How To Use COM Port Output
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eLapsRaceTiming Offline

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Information How To Use COM Port Output
This feature is located on the Network tab (7th menu item), and can be used to output specific race details in real time via the computer COM port.

These details might be used to stream to external applications or peripherals, for example a LED Matrix Display used as a race result screen.

[Image: COMPortOutput.jpg]

The COM output can be configured as required:

Choose the COM port to output to. All available COM ports are displayed in the drop down list.

Specify the number of cars to output (maximum ten cars)

NOTE: maximum car number is limited to 2 cars during the trial software period.

Choose whether output is for every passing (each time a car crosses the timing loop), or sent every few seconds.

Starting Tag
Specify the text that identifies the start of each output line.

End Tag
Specify the text that identifies the end of each output line.

Specify the text that identifies the character which will separate the output line parameters.

Num Prefix
Specify the text that identifies the start of each Number parameter output.

Lap Prefix
Specify the text that identifies the start of each Lap parameter output.

Time Prefix
Specify the text that identifies the start of each Time parameter output.

Choose Output parameters
Select which parameters are to be output. Ticking the checkbox will include the parameter in the output.

Clear Output
Manually clears the output.

Test Send
Sends a test output string (as shown in the Example Output window above the button)

Output Log
Lists all the output, as it is sent.

e-Laps Race Timing Software
The next evolution in race control event management software
(This post was last modified: 01-Dec-2016 09:20 AM by eLapsRaceTiming.)
08-Apr-2016 07:39 AM
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