How To Export / Import Records
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eLapsRaceTiming Offline

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Information How To Export / Import Records
Importing the online entries and event files is performed on the Race Setup page (1st Menu from the top), then click the Database Setup tab

[Image: ExportImport_DatabaseTab.jpg]

Exporting Tables
Choose the data that you want to export, and then click the Export Tables button

[Image: ExportImport_ExportTables.jpg]

Clicking the Open Export Location button will display the files that were generated during the export process.

NOTE: the actual files that are generated may include tables that you did not select. This is because some table data has related data that exists in other database tables.

[Image: ExportImport_ExportTablesXLS.jpg]

The files that are produced during the export process are simple Comma Separated Values (.CSV) files. These files can be viewed and edited if required.

IMPORTANT: Do not edit the CSV file names. The file names are used during the import process.

Importing Tables
To import the exported data files, click the Import tables button to open the Browse For Folder pop up form

[Image: UploadResults_BrowseFolder.JPG]

By default, the Browse For Folder form should open to the required location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Scale Race Engineering\e-Laps Race Timing\System

NOTE: The Browse For Folder form will remember the location that is opened, so the next time it is used, it will automatically open to the last location opened.

Once the location is chosen, the system will automatically look for relevant CSV file to import. Assuming files exist, it will ask whether you want to import the files it has found.

[Image: ExportImport_ImportTables.jpg]

Clicking Yes will import the table data from the files found... the time it takes will depend upon how many records are imported.

[Image: ExportImport_ImportTablesDone.jpg]

Once data is imported, an Event will need to be set up, and drivers sorted into Heats etc.

See the How To Create an Event user guide for more information.

e-Laps Race Timing Software
The next evolution in race control event management software
(This post was last modified: 14-Dec-2016 03:22 PM by eLapsRaceTiming.)
09-Nov-2016 06:03 PM
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How To Export / Import Records - eLapsRaceTiming - 09-Nov-2016 06:03 PM

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