Click on the Championship Setup tab on the Race Setup page (1st menu from the top).
Then click on the Synchronise Categories tab as shown below.
Add Championship Categories
Click the 'Add Championship Category' button as shown below.
Clicking this button will open the Add Championship Category form which lists all available categories that are entered into e-Laps.
To Add a championship category from those available, simply double click a category from the list. Alternatively, if you want to add a category that is not in the list, click the Add button.
Once you have selected a category (or chosen to add a new category), you are able to edit the Category Name and Category Short Name as required.
Click the Save button to finalise your selection / addition.
After you have entered a championship category, you can Edit it by clicking its name in the Championship Category list, and then editing the Category Name and Category Short Name as required.
Synchronising Categories
Due to the fact that the Championship Database is a physically separate SQL Database file to that of the Event Database, the Event categories must be 'synchronised' with the Championship categories.
To synchronise the categories, click on the required Event category, and drag it on top of the corresponding Championship category. You will be asked to confirm your actions as shown below.
Confirming the action will then set the Championship category row colour to green to indicate synchronisation was successful.
To determine which Championship categories are synchronised with which Event categories, simply click on a category in either list, and its corresponding synchronised category will appear blue in the opposite list.
IMPORTANT: If you make changes to categories in the Event database, these changes will need to be manually applied in the Championship database. For example, if you add a new category in the Event database, if you want this category to participate in a Championship, you will need to add (and synchronise) the new category in the Championship database.
Adding a Championship
Once all categories are added and synchronised, you are then able to add a Championship. To do so, click the Current Championships tab and then click the Add Championship button.
The Championship details fields are then enabled as shown below.
Championship Title
The name of the championship so it can be identified in the Current Championship list. This title is printed in the header of the Championship Round Report (explained below).
Start Date / End Date
These date fields provide a means to record when a championship starts and ends. These dates do not make up the Round dates (explained below), however e-Laps does use these dates to calculate when a championship has ended.
# of Rounds
This is a read only field that is automatically calculated once you have added Round dates (explained below).
# to Drop
This field allows you to set how many Rounds will be 'dropped' when calculating the overall Championship Point Score (explained below). This field becomes enabled after championship has been saved for the first time.
Points Mode
Currently there are two different points modes available; Dynamic Points, and Static Points.
Dynamic Points
This mode calculates the points awarded based upon how many people are in a given category. Maximum points is calculated using the Minimum points and Subsequent points field values. The formula is as follows:
Max Points = ((number of category entrants - 1) x Subsequent points) + Minimum points
This formula ensures that last place will receive the Minimum points value.
The Subsequent points field value is deducted from the maximum points in order to calculate each place's points.
For example (using the above screen shot values) if we had 30 entrants in a given category, the points awarded would be:
1st Place = (((30 - 1) x 1) + 5) = 34
2nd Place = ((((30 - 1) x 1) + 5) - 1) = 33
3rd Place = ((((30 - 1) x 1) + 5) - 2) = 32
4th Place = ((((30 - 1) x 1) + 5) - 3) = 31
5th Place = ((((30 - 1) x 1) + 5) - 4) = 30
Static Points
This mode calculates the points awarded based upon static values set in the 1st Position, 2nd Position, 3rd Position and Subsequent points field values.
For example in the screen shot above, the maximum points is simply 50 points.
The Subsequent points field value is deducted from the 3rd Position points in order to calculate each place's points.
This mode requires you to set the above mentioned points fields to a value that covers the number of entries in a category. For example, if you more than 50 entrants, last place would end up with 'negative' points
Top Qualify / Shootout points
Extra points can be awarded to entrants who top qualify (qualify in position 1 in the Main Final), or set the fastest lap time during the Shootout round.
Championship Categories
Choose which categories will participate in the given championship.
NOTE: After saving your championship, you will need to re-select it from the Current Championships list in order to see its settings, and make further changes.
Add Championship Entries
Click on the Championship Entries tab as shown below
Then click the 'Add Entry' button as shown below.
Clicking this button will open the Add Championship Entry form which lists all available entrants that are entered into e-Laps.
NOTE: Only Entrants that have Transponders numbers will appear in this list.
To Add a championship entry from those available, simply double click a entrant from the list. Alternatively, if you want to add a entry that is not in the list, click the Add button.
Once you have selected a entry (or chosen to add a new entry), you are able to edit the entrant details as shown below.
NOTE: You will need to choose which entrant's Category before saving.
Click the Save Entry button to finalise your selection / addition.
After you have entered a championship entry, you can Edit it by clicking its row in the Championship Entries list, and then editing the details as required.
Add Championship Round Dates
Click on the Championship Entries tab as shown below
Then click the 'Add Entry' button as shown below.
Clicking this button will enable the Start and End date fields for editing.
Currently, only the Start date is used by the system. The End date will be used in the future to provide extra functionality.
After you have entered the round details, click the Save Round button.
NOTE: Maximum number of round is 24.
After you have entered a championship round, you can Edit it by clicking its row in the Championship Round Dates list, and then editing the details as required.
Setting up a Championship Event
An event must be set up as a 'Championship Event' in order to have the event results count towards the overall Championship Point Score (explained below). To do this, click the 'Championship Event' tick box on the Event Setup tab, and then save the changes to the event.
Calculating Event Round Results
Calculating an event's championship round results can be performed manually or automatically. This can be set on the Preferences tab as shown below.
The calculation is performed automatically at the end of an event.
The 'Calculate Points' button must be clicked (at the end of an event) in order to perform the calculation.
IMPORTANT: The end of round calculation results are applied to the next available round in a Championship Round Dates list. The system will automatically award points to entrants for the given round, and then automatically close the round.
Manually Completing Round
There may be times where a championship round needs to be closed manually, for example is a race meet is rained out. To do this, right click the required round and click the 'Complete Round' menu item.
You will be asked to confirm you action, and once closed, the round appears greyed out in the Championship Round Dates list.
Rollback (re-open) a Closed Round
In the case where a round needs to be re-opened, right click on the required round and click the 'Rollback Round' menu item.
Again, you are asked to confirm your actions. This will clear any results that may have been applied to entrants for this round, and re-opens the round. This effectively resets the round so it can be re-run.
Edit Round Points
Points awarded in previously run rounds can be adjusted. To do so, right click on the required round in the Championship Round Dates list and click the 'Edit Round Points' menu item.
Select the required category from the Category drop down list.
Right click on an entrant row and click the 'Edit Points' menu item.
Edit the entrant points as required and click Save.
Print Championship Report
To print a championship report, select the required championship in the Current Championships list, and then click the Print button.
Clicking this button will open the Print Championship Category pop up form as shown below.
Here you can choose which championship category you would like to print.
NOTE: The championship report will only be populated if a championship category has entrants in it.
NOTE: The '# to Drop' value calculation can be seen in the above screen shot (red arrow column). There are 11 rounds, but with a '# to Drop' value of 1, this means only the "Best 10" are used to calculate the overall championship result.
Overall Championship Point Score
The overall championship point score is calculated at the end of each round and is simply the sum of an entrant's round results, minus the entrant's X worst rounds (where X is the value set in the '# to Drop' field)