When someone enters a full event / category, they are placed in a Waiting List. If positions become available (e.g. other entrants cancel their entry or don't pay their entry fee on time), waiting list entrants can be contacted by email and offered a place within the event.
The waiting list entrant has a limited time frame to accept the offer. This time frame can be set during adding or editing the event. For more information on setting the offer expiry time, see the
How to Create an Online Event guide.
The waiting list entrant accepts the offer by either, logging in and paying their entry fee via the e-Laps website, or by confirming the acceptance with the event host club directly.
Sending a Waiting List Invite
To send an offer to waiting list entrants, first click on the My Events menu and then click the 'Ent.' column number.
There are four pre-defined lists of entrants that you can open at the click of a button; Waiting List entrants, All entrants, Valid entrants, and Non Valid entrants.
For more information on the other email lists, see the
How to Manage Online Entries guide.
Clicking the Waiting List pre-defined list will open the Entry Waiting List form.
Here you can select single or multiple entrants that you would like to send an email offer to. Click the empty checkbox in the Tools column to select an entrant.
NOTE: Only entrants that have not had their entry validated (e.g. they have not paid their entry fee) will appear in the Waiting List.
Once you have selected all the entrants you want to send an email offer to, click the 'Send Entry Offer to Selected' button.
Relevant event details are automatically entered into the email subject and body fields as shown above. You can edit the email subject and body as required.
NOTE: the email body contains an automatically calculated offer expiry date/ time. This expiry date / time is calculated using the 'Offer Expire' field value that was entered whilst adding / editing the event. For more information on setting the offer expiry time, see the
How to Create an Online Event guide.
Clicking the Preview button will display an example of what your email will look like.
Resending Waiting List Invites
Waiting List entrants that have had an invite offer sent to them will appear with a yellow envelope icon in the Tools column as shown below.
NOTE: Only entrants that have not had their entry validated (e.g. they have not paid their entry fee) will appear in the Waiting List.
You can RESEND an invite offer to individual entrants by clicking the yellow envelope icon.
You will be able to re-edit the email message etc. just as you could before. The expiry date / time will also be recalculated.
Once an entrant validates their entry (e.g. they pay their entry fee) they will be removed from the Waiting List, and will appear in the validated entrant list.
They will also appear in the public entrant list with a $ sign next to their entry (in the Paid column) as shown below.