Connection to a decoder is performed on the Network Setup page (7th Menu from top).
E-Laps currently supports the following decoders: AMBrc Decoder, MYLAPS RC4 Decoder, AMBmx3 Decoder, TranX3 Decoder, ChipX Decoder and BIB Decoder.
Supported connection method is TCP/IP, with Serial COM Port connection available soon.
Connecting to a decoder via TCP/IP requires a Local Area Network (LAN) in which the decoder is connected to a network router via an Ethernet cable. The race timing PC running e-Laps must also be connected to this LAN.
The decoder can be configured to use a static IP address that is compatible with the LAN, or it can be set to Auto (see decoder operating manual for further instructions).
Configuring your decoder to use Auto mode is the most simple and trouble free method, however, if using a static IP address: if the network router is configured to operate on a 192.168.0.XXX IP range (where XXX is 0 to 255), then the decoder's static IP address must also fall operate within the same IP range.
Edit the decoder connection settings in e-Laps by clicking the 'Edit Decoders' button:
This will open the Decoders pop up form within e-Laps. Click the decoder that requires editing from the list. This will then load the selected decoder's detail for editing.
Configure the IP Address to match the static IP address of the decoder. Choose a Port number for the PC to communicate on. It is suggested to choose a port number within the 5000 - 6000 range. The default port number of 5403 should be retained in most situations.
Click the Save button to save your changes and close the pop up form.
If you have configured your decoder to use Auto mode, you can easily find the decoder IP address on your TCP/IP network by clicking the "Find Network Decoder" button.
Once the decoder is found, a notification will pop up that displays the IP address of the decoder and provides the ability to update the decoder list.
NOTE: The decoder settings are recorded in the e-Laps database. These values will only need to be edited again if the decoder connection details change.
With the decoder turned on and connected to the LAN, click the Connect button. E-Laps should then connect to the decoder and the small connection status icon should turn green and the Connect button's label will change to Disconnect:
Several Decoder options are available, these are described as follows:
Auto Connect - decoders will be automatically connected (assuming they are turned on and connected to the TCP / IP network) when e-Laps is started.
Automatically Clear Passings - After each race is complete, decoder passings are cleared. It is advisable to leave this setting ON (ticked) as decoders have a finite number of passings they can store. Upon reaching the maximum passing number, the decoder will reset the passing. If this occurs during a race, it may lead to missed laps.
Recycle Connection - this option will automatically 'pause' a decoder connection at the end of each race. The decoder will automatically 'connect' as race control advances to the next race. This feature allows the computer system to 'free up resources' that are otherwise consumed when handling decoder passings. Essentially it improves the computer system performance between races. For example, when memory hungry tasks like printing race results are performed.
Clear button - provide the ability to clear decoder passings at any time.